Using Vite.js with Django 3.x

14 March, 2021

Create a new Django appI prefer to keep ma front-end code contained to a single Django app, which is convenient for most Django websites…

Using Tailwind CSS with Django 3.x

12 March, 2021

When it comes to using elements of modern front-end stacks in Django, there is more than one way. The key is to find the configuration that…

Hosting Django on Google App Engine

15 February, 2021

PrerequisiteBefore you start, make sure:you are using python3.x — check with you have installed Google Cloud SDK. If you haven’t, refer to…

How to load test an IP rotation proxy

13 April, 2020

I usually use for load testing servers. Recently I wanted to load test an IP rotation proxy. IP rotation proxies are regular proxies that…

The 0 Euros Crawler

31 January, 2019

Writing a crawler can be enough of a hard problem. But when comes the time to deploy it, you might be looking for the cheapest options out…